For most people, buying a home is one of life's main goals.
The excitement culminates with the turnkey and sense of purpose completed. However, it is a very important decision in life and should be well considered, however, you should be financially prepared.
Lisboa, Cascais, quinta-da-bicuda
Lisboa, Cascais, quinta-da-bicuda
Lisboa, Lisbon, alhandra
Lisboa, Cascais, quinta-da-bicuda
Lisboa, Lisbon, paco-de-arcos
Lisboa, Oeiras, queijas
Lisboa, Oeiras, queijas
Lisboa, Oeiras, queijas
Lisboa, Oeiras, queijas
Lisboa, Cascais, carcavelos-e-parede
The best time to buy a house is directly related to home loan rates.
House prices can vary greatly and depend on various factors arising from supply and demand. This causes the values to increase or decrease.
It is now easier to finance a home because EURIBOR is very low compared to previous values. When rates are low, as well as the spread of banks, it is an excellent opportunity to buy a home.
You should keep in mind if in the long run you will need to sell the house. If so, location is of high importance not only in the value of housing but also in the ease of finding buyer. However, keep in mind that if you buy a well-located home, you pay a higher IMI tax, and to learn more about this amount, see Finance.
There are still other factors that can influence the value of the house considering the location, such as good accessibility, proximity to transport, services, schools, commerce, among others.
When you want to buy a house you have to evaluate the dimensions of the property well because the bigger the house is, the higher are the costs of maintenance, heating and associated taxes, which can weigh on your budget and increase expenses.
There are several housing aids when buying a home that can help you, especially by encouraging renting, rather than buying. They may be aimed at young people with low incomes at an early stage of rental.
A real estate agent can advise you on several important aspects when buying a home, relieving stress and all the work associated with the buying process. Consult someone you can trust and ask your family or friends for referrals.
The property buying and selling market is booming in Portugal - the number of transactions has reached never before since 2009. And there are properties that are soon acquired as soon as they are placed on the market; such is the volume of demand from of investors. However, only 15% of apartments and 9% of villas put up for sale find buyers in less than a month. About 30% of apartments and 43% of villas have been announced for over a year.
Regarding the Portuguese real estate buy and sell market, the values soared in 2018, compared to 2017, reaching a 25% increase in the average price of real estate sales, rising from 197 561 Euros to 247 090 Euros.
According to the confidential real estate website, one of the top market review sites, the districts with the highest average home sales value were:
In 2019, in the district of Lisbon, the average sale value of an apartment or house was 33% higher than the other regions of the country.
The lowest average value of properties for sale in 2018 was in the districts of:
Of these districts, Portalegre was the only one that maintained the same average value in 2019, compared to 2018.
In terms of growth, districts located relatively close to the Lisbon district, such as Setúbal and Leiria, recorded an average increase in property sales value of 33% compared to 2018 compared to the previous year. Also the districts of Porto, Lisbon and Faro recorded significant growth of 26%, 24% and 15%, respectively.
The real estate market has been growing in Portugal, especially due to tourism and the city's historic centers are packed with local tourist accommodation. Room rental prices continue to rise as well as the rent of a home. The difference between buying a house and paying a monthly fee to the bank or a monthly income is no longer much. However, there is no clear answer to this question as it will depend on one's prospects and financial capacities.
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